The 3 Be’s of Basic Chaperoning

Are you planning on being a student chaperone during a group trip in the near future?

Is this your first chaperoning experience?

If so Adventure Student Travel has a few Be’s to help you be the best chaperone you can be!

1). Be Informed

Be informed about your group. Know any and all medications needed within your group, allergies, personality types, and social difficulties. When you are informed and invested in your students, they will feel comfortable traveling with you, and you will be ready to deal with whatever may come up with them during the trip. 

2). Be Prepared

Be prepared for any hiccups that may happen during your trip by fully understanding your group's itinerary, transportation methods, and timeline overall. Be prepared to answer any questions your students or their parents may have throughout the trip, and to handle any possible 'emergency' situations along the way.

3). Be Accepting

Be accepting of any changes that may happen during your trip. Traveling with student groups doesn't always go according to plan, and you need to be willing to roll with the punches and go with the flow because all eyes will be on you when something unexpected happens and changes have to be made.

With these 3 Be’s of Basic Chaperoning, you and your group can rest assured that you can handle anything that comes your way!