Holy Family Shrine

One of the most architecturally gorgeous structures in all of Nebraska awaits you on the outskirts of Gretna, Nebraska; the Holy Family Shrine.

This spectacular ‘church of glass’ is just about 3o minutes from Omaha and features unique beauty within a peaceful and spiritual setting. This holy place is meant for travelers and locals alike, the shrine, visitor center, and nature path surrounding providing places to ‘learn, gather, reflect, and pray’.

Start your journey at the Visitor Center, which is designed to look like a cross. Inside you will find 12 religious storyboards and a gift shop. After you’ve explored this area travel through the courtyard, which features a path and a stream leading to the chapel, as well as to the Grotto to the Holy Mother Mary.

The chapel will stun you with its design, the entry facade made fo western red cedar and glass. The upper web trusses interlace like ‘waving wheat in a field’, representing Jesus as the Bread of Life. The walls of the chapel are glass windows, and toward the main altar, you will find a scene of the holy family etched in. Outside you can also take the ‘Way of the Cross Trail’, the trail extending the same distance that Jesus carried the cross. In the end you will find the massive stainless steel Crucifix laced with bronze.

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