Gilgal Sculpture Garden

 Gilgal Sculpture Garden

“If you want to be brought down to earth in your thinking and studying, try to make your thoughts express themselves with your hands.” Thomas Battersby Child, jr.

Quite the spectacular hidden gem in Salt Lake City, the Gilgal Sculpture Garden makes an excellent stop for student groups.

This whimsical sculpture garden was envisioned, designed, and created by Thomas Battersby Child, Jr., from 1945 to 1963. The garden contains 12 original sculptures and over 70 engraved stones with various scriptures, poems, and literary texts. Child created these sculptures in hopes that visitors would think about the 'unsolved mysteries of life,' the sculptures and stones creating 'a landscape of meaning and a unique work of art.'

Some of the stones you will see inside weighed up to 62 tons, Child finding the perfect rocks from various mountainsides and streambeds. He used an oxyacetylene torch to give the sculptures that polished sheen you see throughout. Take a self-guided tour of the park and see popular sculptures such as The Altar, Birdhouse, The Spinx, Elijah's Cave, and more.


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