Voluntourism is a great way to give your students an experience that will help impact the world. What is voluntourism? Voluntourism is where you travel to a destination and help local organizations with community projects, not to mention the potential to add volunteering to your resume or college application. For example, here in the United States there are plenty of opportunities such as Children's Autism & Horse Therapy Ranch in Mississippi where you and your students can help assist with therapy sessions for autistic children while also helping to take care of the horses and other animals. Adventure Student Travel is here to assist you in planning your community-based trip! Here is a list of organizations that offer volunteer work.
American Red Cross-
The famous American Red Cross helps with local national disaster relief, hosts blood drives, and much more! With all the natural disasters that have destroyed many homes in the recent past, you and your students could really make a difference with this bit of voluntourism.
Habitat for Humanity-
Help make sure everyone has a place to lay their head down at night. Habitat for Humanity offers everything from helping with building projects to being advocates for affordable housing. Students of all ages can find opportunities here!
The Humane Society-
No matter what kind of animal person you and your students may be, the Humane Society helps prevent animal abuse and other animals related topics. Help local shelters, phone fundraising and more for this crucial charity organization. Plus... who doesn’t love playing with kittens and puppies?!
Meals on Wheels-
For those students who can and love to drive, meals on wheels is dedicated to helping food reach seniors. With over 200 million meals delivered, help join the cause. Of course, if you’d rather your students not drive, they could help in other ways as well.
Best Buddies-
Best Buddies is an organization dedicated to helping get rid of the social, physical and economic barriers in front of those with mental and physical disabilities. You and your students can help make a difference in someone’s life and maybe make some new friends along the way. Isn't voluntourism great?
Sierra Club-
Clean up outdoor areas and fight for our planet by helping the Sierra Club. They have a youth-specific Sierra Student Coalition for teens which would be perfect for any environmental class!