Bee Hive Honey Dive
Bemis Honey Bee Farm
Welcome to Bemis Honey Bee Farm, a shoot-off business of the family-owned and operated Bemis Tree Farm. This central Arkansas based tree farm has honeybees, pumpkins, and even Christmas trees seasonally. This is the only local bee supplier and premier bee educator in central Arkansas and even sells all hive components, parts, and accessories to help any and all local beekeepers continue to thrive. Besides essential bee supplies, Bemis Honey Bee Farm also sells local clover and pumpkin honey, as well as almost any beeswax product.
While here your group will see how this farm strives to educate the public on the importance of honeybees and also how they help local beekeepers as much as possible. Peruse their grounds to learn about the art of beekeeping, sample different honey flavors inside, or take part in any of the many classes, lectures, or outreach programs. Bemis provides beginner classes to advanced beekeeping courses, as well several annual beekeeping field days, each year attended by hundreds of dedicated beekeepers from around the state and nation. Head over to the shop to find unique gifts, shirts, and honey sticks that range over 20 different flavors, from cinnamon and apple to blueberry and cherry. You can pick up homemade beeswax candles, bee boxes, or queen bees here, or just enjoy your time observing and sampling all that heavenly honey!
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